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Really there are SO MANY forms of creativity in action, that you don’t have to be an artist or a musician or a writer to cultivate your creative genius.
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So many of the chronic caretakers, myself included, have spent years putting other people before our own health and wellness. But what happens is we have nothing left to give.
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Do you feel like sometimes life is spinning way faster than you can control leaving you anxious, overwhelmed, and feeling like you are never going to catch up?
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So often we are busting our chops to take care of the people around us that we love, that we care about. But what happens when we need to be there for ourselves?
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What is inherent in the chase for perfection is a judgment of lack, unworthiness, and not good enough. It is always a chase, something to one day “get to”.
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What does it mean to really “hold space” for your emotions? What does that look like? How does it work? And how does it help? I recently talked about this topic on my YouTube channel as well as on the Everyday Wise Woman Podcast. You can check out the Video here or the Podcast here, […]