I have spent years beating myself up for not attaining perfection. For not being better, not doing more, not being good enough, and the big one, not accomplishing it all.
In the beginning it came in the form of not being lovable because every love interest I was with always ended things with “it’s not you, it’s me.” I though for sure, it’s me!
Then it showed up in my business, when I started my massage practice. Learning how to grow my clients was torcher because I often punished myself for not doing enough.
Can you relate?
One day I had a huge epiphany. I was sitting on the balcony of a hotel in town, enjoying a fun, spontaneous ‘Stay-cation’ my husband and I went on, when I realized, my experience is where the richness of life truly is. And we are all so abundantly RICH!
In that moment I asked myself one question, “What am I experiencing right now?” This immediately brought me into the present moment. I realized, all my worry about to-do lists, doing more, being perfect where stealing my life from me.
What is inherent in the chase for perfection is a judgment of lack, unworthiness, and not good enough. It is always a chase, something to one day “get to”.
There is never any perfection to be attained. The perfection is in the present moment, in the experience of the experience. By leaning into the experience of the moment, there is receptivity, Joy, Ease, Grace, Humility, Learning, Growth, Messiness, Chaos, and Beauty. And the SOUL IS WORTHY to receive this, ALWAYS.
You are worthy of receiving all that lives in your everyday life experiences. All of which is Divine and by far, greater than perfection could ever hope to be.
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